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Thanks for being here at our meeting...
You are the real rulers of the world...
Microsoft - Nintendo - M.I.B. - DreamWorks
Well... for most of you.
Hilton - Paws Inc - Universal
Here is...
Your new boss!
Sorry, I'm back from a cosplay. let's begin the meeting.

Merci d'être présents à cette réunion...
Vous êtes les décideurs de ce monde...
Heu... pour la plupart.
Votre nouveau chef !
Désolé je reviens d'un cosplay. Commençons la réunion.

New in the storyline? Get to the beginning of "The company control"
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2005-07-19 21:54:50

* Salagir

There is a force somewhere against this strip. I didn't have internet yesterday and today! I had to go back to my workplace to upload the strip!

Readers comments:

2005-07-20 02:04:54


Geeksworld gone better strip after strip, and my english worster...
2005-07-20 03:39:02


Paw Inc ? http://www.pawinc.org/ ? Why not the pope ? Or Bin Laden ? Or some atheist organisation, like, heu, trolleur.net ? http://trolleur.net

Et Bilderberg ? http://perso.wanadoo.fr/metasy.../Organisations/Bilderberg.html (<private>Regardes bien la listes des participants</private>).

Et François & Laurent ? ;-)

Salagir's answer:

Paw: It's an error, it is Paws Inc.
The Pope: lives to far, only come for important meetings
Bin: he's dead...
Trolleur.net: not enough power.
RMS: not evil enough
2005-07-20 10:47:34


Excellent !

C'est qui le boss ?

Salagir's answer:

C'est ta mère ! ;p
2005-07-20 13:27:26


Why 1578?

Salagir's answer:

Pure random. If I think of a good date sometime, I'll change it retroactively. Revisionism is the ultimate power of an author on its creations. See Lucas ;p
2005-07-21 13:05:53

guild wars geek

2006-08-02 19:57:12


Pardonnez mon ignorance... j'ai reconnu bcp de personnes intervenant plus tard, mais le boss je le reconnait pas :s

Salagir's answer:

C'est un perso inventé pour l'histoire, contrairement aux membres de l'assemblée.
2007-05-08 11:21:41


c'est le cote obscur de la force...

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