So you are in fact a real Ray fan, but you're making it impossible for him to play DAOC?
I'm so sorry, but I played DAOC since the beginning, and my guild is number 1. But if Ray entered, he would begin an interguild war, and wipe the floor with us.
Our members would flee, dishonoured by a DAOC newbie. It'd be the end.
Well then, Ray can enter your guild, so it'll be the others guilds that will be defeated.
Ray doesn't join guilds. He defeats the guilds by himself, alone.
Alors en fait tu es un fan de Ray, mais tu l'empêches à tout prix de jouer à DAOC ?
Je suis vraiment désolé, mais je joue à DAOC depuis le début, ma guilde est numéro 1. Mais si Ray entrait, il déclancherait une guerre interguilde et nous écraserait.
Nos membres s'enfuiraient, déshonorés par un débutant à DAOC. Ce serait la fin.
Et si Ray rejoingnait ta guilde ? Ainsi c'est les autres guildes qui seront détruites.
Ray ne joint jamais de guildes. Il détruit les guildes à lui seul.
Readers comments:
A propos translation.. maybe you're right Salagir but often there are 3 or 4 ways to express something in french with slight but important differences and only one single word in english and that can be frustrating when you want to be really precise in explaining something.. you have the feeling you can't.
Salagir's answer:
Or maybe we lack vocabulary ? ;)MetqliK
Thx for the fun u give to me when i'm reading this!!!!!:)
Salagir's answer:
Tu sais, étant français aussi, c'est normal ;)Thx for reading this ! :)
Salagir's answer:
phyzz, you're crazy and I love you for that. I'll make a german version any time you want, provided you or dwarf or r-max does the translation :)phyzz
Salagir's answer:
Gnii?Anonymous Coward
Salagir's answer:
Come on Amon, you're so discovered[*]! And put your pants back.[*] F34R M3 'cause I keep the poster ip address, and yours is quite familiar... muahahahaa ! :)
Another Anonymous Coward
I hope that your server is not in France, the IP are nominative personal data (google says "personal personal data", hum), and you must declare the file to the CNIL and display the declaration ID on your Web site.
Text processing:
Add *, / or _ around some text, and it'll format it *bold*, /italic/ or _underlined_.
Usual BBcode works too: [b][/b], [i][/i] and [u][/u].
If you type a url or e-mail directly, it'll be made as a link. If you want to make a link around text different than the url, use [url=thelink]the text[/url], like in phpBB.
To show an image, use [img]url_of_image[/img]. This image must be uploaded on another site already.
If you begin your line with >, the color will be different, use it to quote other messages.
You will be able to edit your messages for a limited time.
Words that I hate
I've finished translating all the old strips in french, but I still have problems when I do today's strip, define the size of the word balloons, then translate into french the text: french takes so much more space!!The sentence structure is much longer to begin with, but some words make it even worse.
English people understood the mighty power of 3-letters words. French didn't. Behold... the "words I hate 'cause they take so much space in french" list.
now => maintenant
why => pourquoi
ask => demande(r)
sue him => porte plainte contre lui (cf 63)
what => qu'est ce que
did you => est ce que tu
fuck => Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère. (It's like wiping your arse with silk.)
Comic of the day like much like Mac Hall, but isn't. Very nice drawings.