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Using it's usage in "will-o'-the-wisp" (FR: feu follet), I use it as an excuse to draw my favorite easy shape: the cloud of DB afterlife (used again in Hanasia and in Soul, see upcoming page 1150).
This references what Goten tells on DBMultiverse page 1775. So yes, this scene I draw certainly happened.
For me this is a tradition, Yamcha needs to lose a tournament on the first round. Thus, here he is against somebody obviously weak, but he throws the towel.
Time for a stupid pun, and an occasion to select my characters. So Piccolo because I like him, and Freeza+1 to show a shape specific to DBM.
I did my best to give the look & feel of the original movie poster, and of course I redraw the title "Corral" because the web versions were of too low quality.