![Page 206 - DBZ 50 years after - Vegeta (2005-10-10) - Page 2 of Dragon Ball Z [ da page ]](pages/206-fr.png)
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I'm the most powerfull in all the universe! I'm the greatest of all Saiya-jins!
Yeah yeah, old man, now just take your pills!
When will he die??
"DBZ 50 years later" - By Salagir and Holken - Characters © Toriyama
Je suis le numéro 1 de l'univers ! Je suis le plus fort des Saiyajin !
C'est ça pépé, maintenant prends tes pilules !
'fait chier le vieux !
"DBZ 50 years later" - By Salagir and Holken - Characters © Toriyama
Readers comments:
2005-10-10 00:07:54
"Saiya-jin" ?
2005-10-10 00:21:28
to "Meow": Saiya-jin pronounced "Sayin" is the race of monkey tailed worriors that are the main focus of the Japanese Anime Series "Dragon Ball".
2005-10-10 00:32:46
:) lol SS Vegeta super senil Vegeta :D ^^
2005-10-10 02:50:27
Tija > I know Dragon Ball's universe. I meant... in french strip it's "Saiyajin" too, but in french manga it's called "Sayen". Strange error, Salagir didn't read/watch Dragon Ball with Glénat (french DB editor) or "Club Dorothée" ? :D
EDIT : and more, in french "des saiyajin[]"... in the plural ?
Salagir, soit chauvin, travaille la VF ^^
EDIT : and more, in french "des saiyajin[]"... in the plural ?
Salagir, soit chauvin, travaille la VF ^^
2005-10-10 13:36:54
Rienàpéter de la VF :)
Of course my main source is the french manga (a new translation is being made, my source will change). It couldn't be the french dubbed anime, in which they were called "the warriors of space", except for the last 4 episodes, where they said "Sayin" (french-pronounced), the french dubbing never cared for continuity (Piccolo was named Satan, then Satan Petit Coeur ("small heart"), and sometimes Piccolo).
Anyway, I used the writing I saw the most on the net, and didn't care about the french writing.
For the plural, we don't care, it's a japanese word, more even, a Toriyama word, that's like the plural of scenario, whatever is understandable suits me.
More about Saiyan writing
Of course my main source is the french manga (a new translation is being made, my source will change). It couldn't be the french dubbed anime, in which they were called "the warriors of space", except for the last 4 episodes, where they said "Sayin" (french-pronounced), the french dubbing never cared for continuity (Piccolo was named Satan, then Satan Petit Coeur ("small heart"), and sometimes Piccolo).
Anyway, I used the writing I saw the most on the net, and didn't care about the french writing.
For the plural, we don't care, it's a japanese word, more even, a Toriyama word, that's like the plural of scenario, whatever is understandable suits me.
More about Saiyan writing
2005-10-10 16:52:39
For the plural, we don't care, it's a japanese word, more even, a Toriyama word, that's like the plural of scenario, whatever is understandable suits me.
NO WAY ! why it's in the plural in english version ? :p
NO WAY ! why it's in the plural in english version ? :p
2005-10-11 07:41:02
The french dub even had more then one ppl dubbing each char, i remember beeing really amazed to see SanGoku changing his voice when he was in the training room to strenghen before Cell (and that's only an exemple among so many)
2005-10-11 15:43:46
Put-1 c'est quoi ce fishing ??? moi je viens ici pour lire des comics geekswold pas pour du DBZ faite un site pour ca merde !!! :-) ou on ouvre un channel irc et on en discute, mais ...
Là j'suis déçu ...
Là j'suis déçu ...
2005-10-16 18:25:20
Bon d'accord j'ai oublier la balise 42ième degrée : toutes mes excuses aux auteurs. :-)
2006-02-17 10:48:35
Like me and my father... >>
2007-10-02 16:08:37
dbz freak
that is mad funny.:) lol
2007-12-22 03:11:17
dbz (celui de supafan)
g deja lu sur supafan c bien!!!!
2008-03-05 20:31:16
love dbz
it's so funny! great!
2008-05-14 01:26:33
2008-05-14 01:27:36
2008-10-17 22:07:09
SS4 Gogeta
HA HA HA Very halirious

LOL I liked this Senile Vegeta design.
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Is it Dragon Hell all over again? Not really. To begin with, strips won't be displayed regulary, only when Holken feels like drawing one :)