You're always saying we don't do things well, this is not done the right way, etc...
Man sometimes you're just so SQUARE!
Worst than ever. And no one reads it. You have one hit a day. You.
I had a comment!
"lol see my site" ? You think it's a real com?
I had two hits yesterday.
Yesterday, when we changed of IP? That was you two times!
T'es tout le temps à dire qu'on fait mal les trucs, qu'il faut pas faire comme ça, etc...
Mec, tu pourrais pas être un peu moins CARRE ?
De pire en pire. Et aucun lecteur. Tu n'as qu'une visite par jour. Toi.
J'ai eu un com !
"lol see my site" ? Tu penses que c'est un vrai commentaire ?
J'ai eu 2 visites hier !
Hier, quand on a changé d'IP ? C'était toi deux fois !
Readers comments:
Mais sinon c drole :D
Your nique
Tetris 4 life (^_^)
Si je peux me permettre : problème de perspective (à rajouter des détails, ça flambe le dessin)... ou alors ils ont une table inclinée ^^
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The Tshirt at the beginning is of course from Maliki's blog : [fr] is the author of Raghnarock, La Rubrique scientifique, and others, like Donjon since recently. I followed his blog for a long time and just a week or two ago, I bought many of his albums, which rocks too.
His drawed blog [fr]
[fr] Geek's World connu dans le monde entier !
Sur le blog Ame-Nimation :
Sur Wikipedia :
Webcomic Alphabetical List
I still don't have any good intro to write, but I'll write it anyway.All selections are fated to be dead links in a few weeks.
Soup To Nutz : 4/5 . Non conformist and fun. Art horrible. Selection : one, two, three
30 latest
Speed Bump : 3/5 One-panel kind, nice. selection (poor month, I swear, just before they were 3 goods I wanted to link)
30 latest
Spot The Frog : 3.5/5 fun and joyfull. Selection : one, two, three
30 latest
Strange Brew : 3/5 one panel. Selection : one, two
30 latest
The Buckets : 4/5 Fun how simple familly strips (like the 1st one) with very usual charactes can, if the author is good, be , well, good. This one is good. Selection: one, two, three
30 latest