What will you get?
The chair! Ahahahaha!
So?... still can't put 2 and 2 together? Muahahah!
It's like we don't see each other anymore!
We can exchange chairs...
I think I'm too small for being a bartender.
Are these Secret of Mana pixel arts?
Is this.. allowed?
It's ok, Square won't...
One, for THIS strip, I think they would, and two, I was asking if so bad strips ARE allowed!
Vous prendrez quoi ?
La chaise ! Ahahahaha !
Alors... toujours à deux doigts? Ahahahahahaha !
On ne se voit plus du tout ces temps ci...
On a qu'à échanger de chaises...
Je crois que je suis trop petit pour être barman.
Ce sont des pixel arts de Secret of Mana ?
Oui !
C'est... permis ça ?
C'est bon Square ne va pas ...
Un, pour CE strip, je pense que si, et deux, ce que je demandais, c'est si faire de si mauvais strips est permis !
Readers comments:
Le chat c'est pris pour Superman (il sort aujourd'hui le 12)
Robertam d\'Amsterdam
Franchement j'ai bien rigolé
Salagir's answer:
Un ptit bug... réglé.Kitsune
Continue comme ça ;-)
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First I wanted to do a strip oriented on football, but I thought the ideas I had weren't good enough so here is the sequel on the saga directly.
Chaps rulez again :)
Webcomic Alphabetical List
The end !!!!The Other Coast : 3.5/5 A little criticism on our behaviour in the world. Select: one, two
Latest 30
UserFriendly : 3.5/5 I still can't get the horrible art, but this is a very know geek comics. In fact, whan I wanted to do GsW I thought to do something really like this. With maaaany copy-paste. As you can see it's not so bad. It's here since 1997, and I'll just give you a saga selection, read several strips from this one.
All archive
VG Cats : 5/5 I think I linked to it more than once.
All archive
Working Daze : 3/5 This is like a false geeky comics. Colors and entreprise strips, more accessible for non-geekies. Is not afraid to redraw the same gag for the 10th time.
Latest 30