Games for Lunch, by Tetrisman
You can make every piece of Tetris with "2 by 4" yogurt blocks.
Also note that you can do only one piece of Tetris per block. Sometimes two, but it will be the same piece.
Les Jeux du Repas, par Tetrisman
Vous pouvez créer toutes les pièces de Tetris avec des blocs de yaourts de 2 fois 4.
Remarquez aussi que pour chaque block de yaourt, on ne peut créer qu'une seule pièce tétris, ou des fois deux, mais la même.
Readers comments:
la suite des aventures du tetris-freak :)
Et puis euh... c'est vraiment sa main à lui sur la quatrième case ? Moi j'ai plutôt l'impression que c'est quelqu'un d'autre qui le tient.
PS : Chez moi les yaourts il font plutôt "Tak" que "klac".
Oui, c'est une certitude, ce strip se PASSE DANS LE PASSÉ !!!
CrossOver sur la jeunesse de TetrisMan ?
"TretrisMan begins ?"
Seul l'avenir (et Salagir) nous le dira.
J'ai peur maintenant.
Salagir's answer:
Heu... La pièce en forme de 2, non. Une pièce de deux, c'est une pièce constituée de 2 blocks au lieu de quatre ?Gingerser
Edit : C'est avec un pack de 6, pas de 8 ^^"
peru's pride
stop judging islam means peace in arabic these people who bomb all these places there not muslims its in their book it says that if a person kills and inocent soul he is not a muslim im not an muslim or an arab but that is really raciest
Salagir's answer:
Who judged islam here ? Are you drunk ?Oh, and I love these people who say "I'm not a XX, but what you wrote is surely bad/shocking/racist for XXs ! Don't write it."
Get a sense of humor, and go read strip strip 379, you will LOVE it.
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Now a little bit of propag... of information. In fact going back from holidays where I didn't took a simple glimpse in the world is nice, except for the coming back. I don't read much informations, but I'd like to share with you the funniest (cough cough) I just read :
So we will begin with airports, and planes. I love planes. We may be badly seated, but we still have a fast travel, and no vibrations, which is way better than the train for drawing.
That's a long time I didn't take the plane, but it looks more and more difficult. You've got terrorist with new kinds of geek bombs and you know... the others. They are not white, they don't speak english.... scary!!! This article tells several funs stories that delayed planes : the others.
Anyway, still, you should try to take the plane the most you can, because planes won't fly anymore in a few years. How do you think these gigantic eavy things will fly without petrol?
And also a nice article, the kind of "of course I lied you stupid americans, hey, thanks for the vote, suckers" :
President Bush Admits Iraq Had No WMDs and 'Nothing' to Do With 9/11
As one of my link sources says, this would all be a load of fun and laught if that wasn't for all these, you know, thousands of killed people.
What about france? Well, two corsica terrorists killed themselves with their own bomb ahahahahaha, and our politics are still loosy (did you see our wonderful minister of foreign affairs? He is a delight and didn't remember England was never invaded by Germany).